b01lers Purdue Capture the Flag Club!
Fall 2023 Bootcamp Schedule

2023-2024 Meetings
We are having two callouts this semester; if you can't make one, try attending the other ;)! The first is Tuesday, August 22nd at 7:00PM EST and the second is Thursday, August 24th at 7:00PM EST in WHTR 104. If you have been wanting to get involved, now is the perfect time to do it!
Our weekly meetings occur Tuesday and Friday from 7:30pm-8:30pm in HAAS 111! Feel free to drop by!
About us:
Welcome to the Purdue Capture The Flag Team! We are constantly learning and applying practical skills in web security, system security, reverse engineering, cryptography, and forensics to compete against other schools and teams in Capture The Flag competitions. You can find our global and national standings on CTFTime.
Capture The Flag competitions are a fun and safe way to measure your hacking skills against other teams (from other universities, private companies, or l33t underground teams). A contest typically consists of a list of challenges with points associated with them based on difficulty. These challenges are organized into categories, and you're rewarded with a flag if you correctly solve them. There are many ways to to solve and obtain 'flags' from each challenge, from decrypting a string to compromising a vulnerable system. Here is another description on what a CTF actually is and how it works here.
Joining The Purdue Capture The Flag Team
Joining The Purdue Capture The Flag Team is extremely easy! Despite the highly technical skills we foster, we have no entrance requirements or prerequisite skills for joining the club. We strongly encourage that you attend meetings, competitions, do your best, and make an effort to learn. We are more than happy to teach and assist if you put in the same effort to learn and practice!
So, actually joining! The b01lers club meets twice a week to learn about new techniques, discover new practical skills by solving challenges, and to train for and compete in upcoming or current CTF competitions. The Purdue Capture The Flag Team is formed from any members willing and able to attend, learn, and have fun hacking the planet. All you have to do is show up! We have two times we will always meet:
Meeting Time ane Location TBD
We also tend to meet on Saturdays and Sundays to compete in CTFs. We'll either compete in a live CTF event or, in the rare event there is no CTF on a Saturday, work through war games or teach other members skills that we have picked up. Most Saturday meetings will have food for those working on the CTF. Monday meetings are shorter and intended mostly for organizational purposes and to review the CTF from the previous weekend. If you only have time for one meeting, we recommend attending the Saturday meetings and competing in a live competition.
For more information on meeting times check out our calendar and subscribe to our mailing list!
We do not tolerate hate, discrimination, or bad attitudes! If someone in the club is exhibiting behavior detrimental to other members or the team as a whole, they will immediately be removed from the team. Our target environment is jovial, meme-filled, and accepting. Anyone can hack. Furthermore, our code of conduct does not provide for offensive or illegal actions using the material used in our club. Our skills are developed for educational and research purposes only. For more questions, please see our disclaimer